And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind." And it was so. God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good. - Genesis 1:24-25
I am a huge animal lover, and I am especially fond of cats. My two little ones are being well cared for back in Minnesota, but I miss them very much. Both of them were strays - Pangur entered my life at a year old from a shelter, Loki was just a tiny stray kitten offered me from someone's backyard. They have greatly enriched my life, just as the many pets my family has had through the years do.
Therefore, I was more than just a little thrilled to come across Torre Argentina, a refuge for stray cats here in Rome. The shelter itself is ingeniously contained within an ancient ruin that is completely enclosed. This way, those cats that are feral or simply too independent for adoption have free reign in a safe, secure space. Those cats with a good chance of finding a home are kept in a side part of the area where the cats can be more closely cared for and visitors can try to find a cat of their very own. It's a beautiful balance of needs and availability, both in terms of the cats themselves and the space.
Unfortunately, many of the cats at the shelter have very sad stories. As it turns out, Rome has more than its fair share of stray, neglected or abused cats; due to the general lack of concern for spaying and neutering, that number continues to increase. Some of these poor little things had missing legs, no eyes, or were malnourished past their ability to care for themselves. It broke my heart to see these animals - not just because of my love for animals and my immediate thoughts of my little ones, but because of the way humans are able to to this to other animals.
Too often, humans take the charge in Genesis to rule over all creation all wrong. People seem to think it means they can abuse and manipulate what God has made, when instead they are put in a unique place to love and care for this good creation. Even something so seemingly trivial as an alley cat is indeed a beautiful creation of God, something God could say was very good indeed. It reminded me of our need for constant vigilance on behalf of creation, whether plant, animal or mineral, for the sake of God and our neighbor.
God our Creator, you have made this world and made it so good. When we abuse and neglect it, we show disrespect to you and this amazing life you have given us all. Grant us your mercy, that we might show it to all your creation. Give us your wisdom, so we can discern your will for all things. Show us your love, that we might shower compassion on all the good things of this world. We pray all these things in your name, Amen.
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