Monday, October 1, 2007

Return to Rome

Greetings to the few of you who still check this blog out... I have been terribly delinquent about posting lately (I blame it on London's unseasonably cold weather, making my fingers too stiff to type) and therefore have a huge backlog of great posts to get to. I'll be putting those up this week.

In the meantime, my husband and I have made a safe return to Rome for the final three months of the fellowship. We've resettled in a new part of town in a significantly smaller apartment, but we're doing quite well - especially since the weather has been gorgeous! Tomorrow I'll register for another semester of classes at the Angelicum, and we'll hit the ground running from there.

I hope all is well for you, and that you'll continue to enjoy reading along with some of my experiences and thoughts throughout this incredible year.

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